NEWS | August 9, 2023

Fuel cells are catching up

Wasserstofffahrzeug als Fahrzeug mit nachwachsender H2-Stromquelle-Rahmendiagramm. Labellierte technische Printzeichnung mit Motor-, Batterie- und PCU-Teilen für den ökologischen Transport Vektorgrafik

Compared to hydrogen-powered vehicles, electric cars are considered the more energy-efficient option. That could change soon.

Compared to hydrogen-powered vehicles, electric cars are considered the more energy-efficient option. That could change soon, as hydrogen technology for vehicle propulsion is catching up due to a Japanese invention.

The reason behind this is a fuel cell developed by a research team at Nagoya University. Its electrolyte membrane is six times more conductive than the conventional polymer electrolyte membrane (PEMEL) fuel cells. According to the online magazine Basic Thinking, this invention will make hydrogen-powered vehicles more efficient, safer, and longer-lasting.

In Japan, fuel cell-powered vehicles are much more popular than in Europe, where they have a niche existence. The invention by Japanese researchers could change this, making hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles more attractive as an alternative to internal combustion engines in Europe as well.

In any case, there is significant research being conducted in the field of hydrogen technology. Hydrogen vehicles require valuable metals like iridium, platinum, and rare earths. We offer private buyers the opportunity to invest in the latter, including tax-free purchases and tax-free profits after one year of holding.