NEWS | March 29, 2023

China blocks solar expansion with export halt

Große Aufnahme der Solarpaneelproduktion mit Roboterwaffen in der modernen Leuchtenfabrik. Sonnenkollektoren werden auf dem Conveyor zusammengebaut.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce intends to restrict the export of technologies that could enable other countries to manufacture solar panels. Especially machines used in processing the raw materials and precursor components required for construction will soon only be exportable with permission. This could significantly delay the expansion of solar energy in Europe.

In the late 1990s, Germany was a leader in the field of solar energy. However, local companies were gradually pushed out of the market as China flooded it with cheap solar modules. The result was that German and European supply chains became increasingly dependent on the Middle Kingdom.

By now, China dominates the global market for solar modules and their components. Additionally, the ten largest machine manufacturers are based there. In order to remain capable in the face of this economic power imbalance, Germany must reestablish its own supply chain. It must start right from the beginning, which means focusing on raw materials.

Indium, gallium, and germanium are as crucial for building the latest solar cells as the enduring know-how from the 1990s. By investing in these technology metals, investors can not only bring them into the country for solar expansion but also benefit from attractive tax-free returns.